Aggregated Denylist Consent Form
IFTAS is proposing a federated domain denylist subscription Web service that will be offered free of charge to any service providers, but aimed at new ActivityPub providers who need a starting point for day 1 defederation of the most blocked domains. A working model shows this list to be between 50 and 200 domains.

The source list for this service is intended to be a reflection of the defederation in the bulk of the Fediverse account coverage, and therefore will be restricted to the largest service providers, tentatively >50,000 accounts or >5,000 MAU (draft criteria, TBD). From these sources, an aggregated list will be created using a consensus model, with policy guidance from

No defederation "reasons" will be shared through the service. No source domains will be identified as part of this service. The IFTAS list is intended to be unopinionated, and to only serve as a baseline reflection of the defederation actions taken by the largest service providers. Public comment and delisting requests are included in the service.

The IFTAS service will not overwrite any locally-applied blocks, and will retract IFTAS blocks if they are delisted. The service will only add or remove blocks for domains not currently in the service's existing denylist. The service will monitor the reference sources several times a day, and update the aggregated list accordingly. As domains are added or removed from lists, updates will be sent to all opted-in service providers automatically.

IFTAS is reviewing possible sources and inclusion criteria. If you are interested in being a reference source for the aggregated list, please fill in the form below.

The full specification for the list can be reviewed and commented at 
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Admin account (  *
Alternative contact method (if you do not monitor the above admin account)
The domain you would allow IFTAS to use as a reference source *
Total Accounts your service covers. If you operate multiple services, but share denylists between these services, please provide an aggregate total. *
Total Monthly Active Users your service covers. If you operate multiple services, but share denylists between these services, please provide an aggregate total.
Do you consent to the denylist available at the domain listed above be used for referential purposes by IFTAS for the sole purpose of aggregation and creation of a publicly-available aggregated list? Your server will not be named or identified. Consent may be withdrawn at any time by emailing *
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