ISQOLS 2025 Conference Educational Grant Application

 As part of ISQOLS' goal to encourage students and early career researchers in the field of quality-of-life studies, we are offering free conference registrations and travel stipends (amounts vary depending on location) to qualifying and deserving applicants.  

You can apply for the educational grants if all of the criteria below are met:

- You are an early researcher (doctoral student through early untenured) – all are welcome to apply, but priority will be given to individuals from developing countries;

- You have submitted and abstract as an oral/poster presentation for the conference.

To apply for the educational grant, please complete the application form linked below. All criteria must be met for consideration. Priority will be given to active ISQOLS student members from developing countries. To check your membership status, visit

Important Notes:

  • The Scientific Committee will review all abstract submissions and will judge their merit as part of the selection process for the educational grant.
  • If you are selected for the grant, we will contact you with further instructions regarding travel stipends and conference registration.

Decisions will be made by 30 March, 2025. 


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Are you an early researcher (doctoral student through early untenured)?

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Please list the name of your institution/university and your field of study:

Are you from a developing country, as defined by the World Data info?

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Are you a current, active ISQOLS member? 

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Have you attended an ISQOLS Conference before? Please answer yes or no. If yes, please list which conferences you attended. 

Have you received an ISQOLS Education Grant before? If yes, please list which year/event. 

Have you received any scholarships/grants/funds from ISQOLS before? 

Have you submitted an abstract to be a presenter for an oral/poster presentation for the ISQOLS 2025 conference? (Please answer yes or no. If yes, please list the title of your paper/poster)

Has your abstract been accepted as an oral/poster presentation for the ISQOLS 2025 conference?  

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Please provide a brief description of how receiving this educational grant, including free conference registration and travel stipend, will assist you in attending the ISQOLS 2025 Conference and furthering your academic and professional development.  

Important Notes:

The Scientific Committee will review all abstract submissions and will judge their merit as part of the selection process for the educational grant. 

If you are selected for the grant, we will contact you with further instructions regarding travel stipends and conference registration.

Please confirm you meet the eligibility requirements as stated above for the ISQOLS Education Grant: 

A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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