BCP Fitness Friday - Female HIIT For All Levels
HIIT Training is provided by a qualified instructor for all levels. 10 weeks free session (Limited Spaces). 

Failure to attend more than 2 without apologies, you will be removed allowing others to join. If slots are filled we will contact the next registration regarding the next vacant spot available. 

Timings:  Every Friday 7:30 pm - 8:30 pm (Beginning from 4th November 2022)

Address: Winsor Park Community Centre, 
                 20 Warwall, 
                 Beckton London 
                 E6 6WG

Instructor: Shanika Ellis - M.A.D. (Mum's and Dad's) Fitness 
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1. Forename (S) *
2. Surname *
3. Email *
4. Address *
5. Postcode
6. Mobile Number *
7. Do you have any health issues or are you pregnant *
8. Please provide any details of any health issues
9. Declaration 
I understand and agree to the following:

I will have to commit to the entire duration of training, and notify Beckton Community Project 48 hours in advance should I be unable to attend a session.  If I fail on to accordance to uphold an acceptable standard of punctuality, my space will be allocated to another individual.  

I agree to abide by safety instructions communicated to me at all times and will inform project co-ordinator of any adverse changes to my physical health and well-being.  

I will not take pictures/videos of other women at the centre and agree to respect everyone's privacy. 

 Beckton Community Project's management reserve the rights to alter programme schedule at short notice and to also remove me from the class.  

Physical activity or exercise is undertaken at my own risk. If I have any concerns about my health, suitability for a chosen activity or my health status changes I will seek guidance from a doctor or relevant health professional before participating.

Bookings are valid for the named person only, non-transferable.  There may be additional rules which apply to a particular facility displayed in the Centre or Venue which you will also be required to follow.

By clicking the tick box you agree to the terms and conditions and it subsidies as a signed agreement. 
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