Join Smerf Insider
Please answer a few brief questions to help us get you into the Smerf Insider Program.

The Insider Program has limited seats — but don’t worry we’re always adding more!

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Keep an eye on your inbox for an email with installation instructions after you've completed this form.

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Were you referred by a friend? If yes, what is their SmerfID?

SmerfID is their username on Smerf. If you don’t know this you can always ask them or skip for now!
What kind of phone do you use? *
What is the email associated with your Google Play or Apple ID account?

This is to send specific builds securely to your program via Apple and Googles approved App Store. Need help finding your email on Google or Apple?
Which type of game do you enjoy more? *
Are you a content creator? *
Are you a game developer, or do you work for a games studio or publisher? *
Are you a community or event organizer? *
What is your primary social channel? *
What games do you play? *
Are you interested in learning more about our anti-toxicity stance and join community forums, talks, and discussions to help us learn more? *
Check this box to approve receiving future newsletters and promotional content at the email provided above.
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