My object is only to show that he who would go in for novel experiments must begin with himself. That leads to a quicker discovery of truth, and God always protects the honest experimenter. -Gandhi
The basic 30-day Gandhi challenge asks people to
give up intoxicants for 30 days, with two 24-hour fasts. Change starts with ourselves, and additional self-improvement offerings are part of this program as well, reinforced by
regular blog posts on Gandhi's life and lessons. (This challenge actually runs 32 days.)
This project serves within a framework of a
larger constructive program - a positive program of self-improvement for individuals and communities - to address social, cultural, electoral and legislative issues in America. Part of the purpose of this challenge is to become uncomfortable voluntarily, and open ourselves to stepping outside of our political comfort zone. For
members of the American Union, completion of these 30 days can qualify them to take on other roles
like organizer.
This is a community building project, and we'll meet together on Zoom 2-4 times for each challenge. The regular sessions are the 1st and the 15th of each month. We'll open with a look at the principles of nonviolence that the American Union is built on, and then we'll reflect on our expectations and experiments as a group. For those interested in the political side of the project, Zoom sessions on the 8th and 22nd will offer more details on how all of these pieces connect within the American Union, and contain an opportunity for shared reflections. Got questions? Reach out to
Be the change you want to see in the world!