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Application service for scholarships (Let us Apply for You).
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Where are you From?
Your answer
This form is for Scholarship Application for any scholarship on our website. This request will allow us to
1. Fill out your scholarship application completely,
2. Prepare your letters of recommendation for this scholarship if necessary.
3. Write your letter of intent and any essay related to this scholarship.
Yes, I Agree for Scholarshipsalpha to apply for me.
No, I do not want Scholarshipsalpha to apply for me.
Application fees through us range from 25 to 150 dollars, depending on the
1. Type of scholarship
2. Level of Study
Yes, I Agree for Scholarshipsalpha to apply for me.
No, I do not want Scholarshipsalpha to apply for me.
Note that acceptance of scholarships solely depend on the institution or scholarship donor.
Yes, I agree.
No, I do not agree.
Personal Information.
Please know that we take your personal data seriously and be absolutely sure that your data has not and will not be shared with any party or person at all (your privacy matters to us).
Full Name
Your answer
WhatsApp Number(With Country Code Eg. +1111111111)
Your answer
Your answer
What is your Level of Study/Education?
High School
Bachelor's degree
Level of Study/Education to be applied for
High School
Bachelor's degree
Payment Method
International bank transfer (to all countries of the world)
Western Union (to all countries of the world)
Ria - Ria (for all countries of the world)
Mobile Money (for Ghanaians only)
Online Banking Transfer (for Malaysian residents only)
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Our Staff will contact Shortly for Further Assistance
Thank You for Choosing scholarships Alpha.
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