NES Tiger T-SHIRT Pre-Order Form
Hello! Place your pre-order for your 2020-2021 commemorative NES t-shirt by completing the form below. Please note that once shirts come in, we will not issue them until the fee has been paid. T-shirt prices will be $15.00 - payable by cash or check at the time of your pickup. We will let you know when t-shirts come in and will provide you with instructions on how to pick up your t-shirt.
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Adreça electrònica *
2020-2021 NES T-SHIRT
Adults/Parents/Guardians: Please type your name (Last, First) *
Please enter your full phone number (best # below) *
Please type the name of your student (Last, First) - If none, type "none" *
Please select the grade-level of your child(ren) by clicking on the boxes below that apply. *
Please select the size of the t-shirt you are ordering. *
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Aquest formulari s'ha creat dins del domini Okeechobee County Schools. Informa d'un ús abusiu