Redhawks Volleyball at La Roche University
We are excited to host another year of Redhawks Volleyball Clinics and Camps at the Kerr Fitness Center of La Roche University. 

Redhawks Volleyball Clinics and Camps are led by La Roche Redhawks Head Coach Nicole Bajuszik. Each clinic and camp provides skill and game instruction and development for boys and girls in 5th-12th grades. 

Times and dates for each clinic and camp is listed below. Serving Sessions are options after each clinic for an additional fee. Each of these programs will help your athlete take their game to the next level in a fun and high energy environment.

Clinic Options - $75 each ($25 discount for every second clinic registered and attended)
Passing and Defense - May 16, May 18, June 6, June 8, July 17 (Choose one or more)
Setting and Hitting - May 22, May 23, June 13, June 15, and July 19 (Choose one or more)

Serving Add-On to Any Clinic  - $20 each session
7:45-8:15pm (all dates listed above, choose one or more - no discount for the Serving Add-On)

Camp Options
Middle School Camp (5th-8th graders)
July 10-12, 9am-12:30pm

High School Camp (9th-12th graders)
July 10-12, 1-4:30pm

Please complete this form to register for the Redhawks Volleyball Clinics and Camps. Payment options below. Confirmation will be automatically emailed upon submission. Waivers will be sent to complete before the clinic or camp electronically. Additional details will be emailed a few weeks before the clinic or camp.

We can't wait to see you on the court!
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Email *
Athlete's Name *
Athlete's Birth Date *
Athlete's Age during Camp *
Athlete's Gender *
Athlete's Street Mailing Address (Full) *
Parent/Guardian's Name *
Parent's Email Address *
Parent's Cell Phone Number *
Athlete's School Grade *
Athlete's School *
Athlete's T-Shirt Size *
Player's Medical Conditions
Player's Club or Travel Team Name
Player Position
Emergency Contact Name (other than Parent listed above) *
Emergency Contact Phone Number (other than Parent listed above) *
Additional parent or contact you would like to receive communication (please list name, relationship, phone number, and email) - This is optional.
Athlete's Passing and Defense Clinic Choices ($75 each) - 6-7:45pm

Choose none, one or more. 

Athlete's can receive a $25 discount on every 2nd clinic registered for throughout the summer. Discount is only good per person, not good on serving add-ons or camps. Athlete can receive the discount on every even number clinic registered for (If an athlete registers for 2 or 3 clinics, $25 discount total;  4 or 5 clinics - $50 total, etc.)
Athlete's Setting and Hitting Clinic Choices ($75 each) - 

Choose none, one or more. 

Athlete's can receive a $25 discount on every 2nd clinic registered for throughout the summer. Discount is only good per person, not good on serving add-ons or camps. Athlete can receive the discount on every even number clinic registered for (If an athlete registers for 2 or 3 clinics, $25 discount total;  4 or 5 clinics - $50 total, etc.)
Athlete's Serving Add-Ons ($20 each) - 7:45-8:15pm

Choose none, one or more. 

These are standalone sessions and no discounts apply.
Athlete's Camp Choices ($200 each) - July 10-13
Clear selection
Total Cost of Clinics and Camps (Before Discounts) *
Total Discount Amount Clinics ($25 for every even number of clinics)
Total Owed *
Payment *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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