Ikon Small Press Fair 2022
Ikon Gallery is hosting a Small Press Fair on Sunday 16 October, 11am to 4pm. Our goals is to platform the incredible publications, zines and small press being made by artists, poets, writers and others from across the West Midlands. Entry for visitors is free.

Whether you are an established creator or just starting out, you are more than welcome to come together and collaboratively share tables with friends if you would prefer.

The cost is £10 for a rented table or free if you bring your own.

Applications close on Sunday 31July and applicants will be contacted by Wednesday 17 August.

If you have any questions please email shop@ikon-gallery.org

We are also programming a series of readings and spoken word performances throughout the day in our gallery space. If this is something you would like to be involved in, do let us know below.
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Artist/Publication Name (To appear on promotional material) - Note. You are more that welcome to collaborate with other creators and share a table. Please list all artists on your table here. *
Your Name(s) *
Your Pronouns
Your Email *
Please describe your art practice/business/what you will be selling at Ikon Small Press Fair *
Please provide a website/social media link for your work *
Please provide any other links you would like to share (additional social media etc)
Will you need a table provided for you? If so the charge for the event will be £10. If you would like to bring your own table there is no charge for this event. *
If you are bringing your own table, please can you provide an estimate of its size. If not please write N/A *
We are opening up our gallery space throughout the day for 5 to 15 minutes of readings, spoken word and discussion to promote your practice. If you would like to be considered please state below. *
Do you have any access requirements you would like to tell us about.
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