Equestrian Camp 2024
Join us for endless fun and the opportunity to create lasting memories with our majestic four-legged friends. Whether it's the joyous laughter echoing through the fields during animal encounters, the shared excitement of cultivating a flourishing garden, or the awe-inspiring moments of discovery within our nature-focused workshops, each day unfolds as a chapter in a captivating story of growth and exploration. Don't let this equestrian adventure pass you by – sign up now and let the journey into the world of horses, goats, and llamas begin!

Ages 6 - 16
Times 8:30am-4pm

Cost: $480.00 after tax ($424.78 + HST) - Short week $385 after tax

*requires $200 non-refundable deposit/child/week

Payment sent to: eqouest@gmail.com 

Step 1: Complete this form 
Step 2: Send $200 deposit to eqouest@gmail.com
Step 3: Send the liability waiver form back via email
Step 4: Pay the remaining balance before 11:59pm on June 17, 2024
Step 5: A confirmation email will be sent
Step 6: On June 21, 2024 the 2024 Camp Booklet will be emailed out to all registered campers 

Brief Theme Summary 

Eq'Ouest Olympics - In preparation for the 2024 Paris Summer Olympics, join in on a wide range of team and individual games and sports to see who will win the gold medal! 

Earth and Nature - Engage in nature-based learning through activities and crafts! Grow your own plant and learn how to repurpose every day items!

STEM - Participate in hands on experiments to test your design and building skills!

Arts - Get creative making tie-dye shirts, animal origami, and other fun art projects!

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What week(s) will the camper(s) be attending: *
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