Dance Studio Reservation Request
Fill out this form to make a request for a reservation for the Dance Studio. You will receive a confirmation within 1 business day. For reservations on weekends, the request needs to come by the close of business on Friday. You are not guaranteed the space without confirmation. Silliman spaces need to be reserved by a Silliman College resident. Make sure to check the calendar before making your request! 
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Email *
The name of the Sillimander making the reservation. {If you are not a Sillimander and are making this reservation, stop here and have a Sillimander complete the request} *
Provide a brief description of how the space will be used.  *
How many people do you expect in the space?  *
Is this space being used for a group (specify group) or personal use? *
What date(s) and times are you requesting? {Note, if this is a recurring request, please say so i.e., Thursdays for the Fall semester 5-7PM}. Please include AM and PM in your response.  *
By making this reservation, I confirm that I will remove all trash from the space and place it in a basement trash room.  *
By making this reservation, I confirm that I will not serve alcohol.  *
By making this reservation, I confirm that I will abide by all security measures (not prop open doors or share IDs) *
By making this reservation, I confirm that I will be respectful of the spaces-- being careful with any equipment, putting all furniture back in its proper place, etc.  *
I confirm that I have read and understand all the requirements of using this space. By typing my name below, I am aware that a failure to abide by these requirements can result in disciplinary action or a fine. 

Type your name below. 
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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