Going Pro RSVP: April 18, 2020
Now a VIRTUAL/ONLINE EVENT, Saturday, April 18, 2020

Please note: Going Pro is Going Virtual!

In order to support the closures in place at many of your campuses, as well as the recommendations of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), we’ve decided to move the Going Pro Career Fair to a completely virtual event. While we’ll miss meeting all of you in person, we’re excited to try out a new way of supporting aspiring arts professionals!

So on Saturday, April 18, instead of getting into your car or onto a bus and coming downtown, we invite you to stay in your PJs, turn on your computer or phone, and get ready to connect with theatre professionals. We have a full day of informative, interactive online content planned.

RSVP below, and we’ll send out more information about how you’ll be able to access all content.

REGISTRATION CLOSES: 5:00pm on April 16, 2020.

PLEASE NOTE that Auditions and Speed Mentorships are now CLOSED.

Event information: www.CenterTheatreGroup.org/GoingPro.

Questions? Contact CareerFair@CTGLA.org. 

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I acknowledge it is my responsibility to read all logistical information provided to me, that certain parts of the day may require advanced preparation, and that I will need to prioritize which parts of the day I want to participate in/likely cannot participate in everything. *
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Most parts of Going Pro are now open to all. If your school is not listed, please select NOT LISTED and enter its name below. LIST IS ALPHABETICAL.
If your school was not listed, but is an accredited undergraduate or graduate institution, please write in its name below. If you are not in school or if your school was listed above, leave this blank.
Year in School, If Applicable
Please leave blank if this is not applicable. If you are still in school, please complete this; this section needs to be filled out for us to send you additional opportunities and resources reserved for current college/university students at an accredited institution.
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