Get Involved! 
Thank you for your desire to get involved with El Refugio, where we accompany immigrants at Stewart Detention Center (SDC) and their loved ones through hospitality, visitation, support, and advocacy for a just immigration system. Please let us know how you might like to get involved. Unless you request otherwise, we will add you to our newsletter list, so we can keep you posted on opportunities. Thank you for caring about people detained at SDC and their loved ones!

E-pasta adrese *
First and Last Name *
Phone number
Languages spoken other than English *
Spanish Fluency *
Would you like to learn more about visiting people at SDC? We urgently need Spanish speakers for this role, but we have occasional need for English speakers as well as speakers of other languages. 
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Would you like to learn more about volunteering at our hospitality house in Lumpkin, Georgia? Please know that visitation at SDC is slow right now. We need volunteers to help staff the house and welcome families who need our support while visiting their loved ones. We are building a list of people interested in this rewarding work.
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Would you like to learn more about staffing our bilingual helpline? This is a remote opportunity and requires Spanish fluency. 
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Would you like to get involved in our advocacy work, which includes community events? 
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Would you like to learn more about hosting an event in your home/workspace/via zoom, giving El Refugio the opportunity to share with your friends, co-workers, organization, or congregation you are part of about our work?  
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Would you like to learn more about hosting a drive for items such as clothing, backpacks, and gas cards? 
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Would you like to learn more about helping El Refugio with our fundraising endeavors? 
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Is there anything else you would like us to know? 
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