A pledge to write poetry: #VerseLove 2025
Complete this form to sign up to write poetry with educators at Ethical ELA this April to celebrate all the poetry does for our hearts and minds. 

You will learn so much about poetry, about yourself, about who teachers really are and how wonderful it is to be an educator.

You will received 30 lesson plans with hundreds of mentor texts and tips for teaching.

You will receive love. This is a space to support, nurture, nourish. No criticism. No judgment. No cost. No advertisements.

And if you want PD credits, you can have that, too. Just email sarah.j.donovan@okstate.edu, and she will send you a certificate.

The goal is to write something everyday in the comment section of the day's poem prompt-- even if it is a phrase or a seed of a poem. 

By filling out this form, you are making a gesture toward committing to write poetry however it serves you during the month.  Just go to ethicalela.com on April 1st and begin. We will use your email address to share updates only. Ethical ELA is nonprofit, no cost, no advertisement. It runs purely on the hearts and minds of teachers.

Contact Sarah J. Donovan sarah.j.donovan@okstate.edu with questions.

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Will you do it? Will you write poetry with us?
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Questions, worries, concerns, comments? Sarah Donovan, the facilitator, will reply via email.
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