Jerry and John's Retirement and Birthdays  Celebration
Join us to celebrate Jerry Turner's retirement as Chairman and Managing Director of Pozabilities and his 80th Birthday!  
And John Keasler's 75th Birthday! (Ares Babies)  
We did it 5 years ago and we're doing it again!
There will be opportunity drawings and prizes for the funniest, chic-est and most original hats.
This is a benefit for Pozabilities, San Diego's premier volunteer/peer run, non-profit. POZabilities is a 501 (3) nonprofit charity offering social activities and producing community forums and workshops covering topics of interest to all those affected by HIV.  All your donations are tax deductible.  They also offer educational opportunities and a social activities open to all those living with HIV.  Its educational events are open to everyone.
Directions:  From Washington Street take First Street north to Arbor Drive.  Turn left on Arbor and go two blocks.  Turn left into the ACE Parking Lot.  Parking will be free in the ACE Lot.
The event is free but you must RSVP on the form below.
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