Dyslipidemia and Point of Care Testing to Manage Cardiovascular Diseases Post Test
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1.  The CDC reported that in the United States that heart disease is the leading cause of death for most racial and ethnic groups *
1 point
2.  Which of the following statements is a match for how atherosclerosis can affect any artery in the body? *
1 point
3.  The ACC/AHA guidelines have identified 4 major groups that would benefit from intensive statin therapy.  Which of the following groups matches one of these recommendations? *
1 point
4.  JK is a 56-year old male with a history of diabetes.  His LDL cholesterol is 140mg/dL.  He takes aspirin every day as well as metformin.  His HgA1c is 6.0%.  His blood pressure is controlled with losartan and averages 120/80.  He does not drink alcohol or smoke tobacco.  Would the recommendation be that this patient be initiated on a high intensive statin therapy? *
1 point
5.  SM is a 60-year old female with no history of any medical conditions and takes no other medications except a daily nonprescription multivitamin.  Her pharmacist does a lipid screening point-of-care testing and puts the values in the ASCVD risk calculator, which included a LDL value of 120mg/dL.  After the calculation the pharmacist sees that the patient’s predicted 10-year ASCVD risk is 7.4%.  After reviewing the patient’s electronic chart from the cardiology clinic, she has a coronary artery calcium (CAC) score of 120. Would the recommendation be that this patient be provided intensive statin therapy? *
1 point
6.  Which of the following statin drugs and dose is considered a high intensity statin? *
1 point
7.  When establishing a point of care testing program to screen for lipids, what would be the ideal age to recruit patients with at least one risk enhancing factor? *
1 point
8.  Which one of the following is a risk enhancing factor to consider when developing a lipid point of care testing program? *
1 point
9.  An advantage of using the CardioChek Plus machine over the Cholestech machine would be: *
1 point
10.  PK is a 59-year old male who has been treated with atorvastatin 80mg once daily for the last six months and has complied with all lifestyle modifications.  An adherence check shows that he has only missed 3 doses in the last 6 months, which was confirmed by your pharmacy intern upon interviewing PK.  Based on national lipid guidelines, the next drug to recommend to the prescriber would be? *
1 point
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