Audition Form - Once Upon a Mattress
* This is the online audition form for South St. Paul Theatre's Fall 2019 All-School Musical.
* Auditions for this show are open to all SSP students in grades 6-12.
* Once Upon a Mattress will perform on Friday, Nov. 8th at 7pm, Saturday, Nov. 9th at 2pm and 7pm, and Sunday, Nov. 10th at 2pm.  Do not audition for this show unless you will be able to perform at all performances.
* Email the director, Eric Holsen, at with any questions.

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Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Gender *
Grade *
Parent Email *
Student Email *
Other Email
Parent Phone *
Student Phone *
Other Phone
Which role(s) are you most interested in?
Are you willing to take any role offered to you?  If not, please explain. *
Are you willing to change your hair color and/or length for this show? *
Once you audition, do not make any changes to your hair without consulting your director.
Summary of previous acting/performing experience. *
Please describe, in general terms, what conflicts you have during this production. *
Examples: sports, activities, specific family events, jobs, church activities, community activities, etc.  In other words, anything that has to be scheduled around.  you also need to fill out the separate conflict form.
I understand that participation in a play is a serious time comittment, and I will dedicate my time and energy to make this play excellent. *
I understand that I will need to be present at ALL rehearsals and performances during the last two weeks of production (Oct. 28-Nov. 10). *
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Formulir ini dibuat dalam South St. Paul Public Schools. Laporkan Penyalahgunaan