Jeep in America (Finals project)

Hey everyone!

I’m a Danish student working on my final project before graduating, and I need your help!

I'm researching Jeep, the American Dream, and car culture in the U.S. If you live in the U.S., please take 2-3 minutes to fill out this short survey.

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Basic information:
What's your age? *
Where do you live? (state) *
What is your current employment status? *
Jeep and car preferences
What car do you currently drive? *
Did you consider Jeep when buying your current car? *
If yes, what attracted you to Jeep? (select all that apply *
If no, why did you choose a different car? (select all that apply) *
What do you rate Jeep compared to other car brands *
Worst option
Best option
What do you primarily associate Jeep with? *
Which statement best describes Jeep in your opinion? *
The American dream
What does the "American Dream" mean to you? *
Do you think Jeep can use the American Dream as a marketing tool? *
How important is it to you that a car brand is American? *
How do you imagine Jeep in the future? *
If you could give Jeep one piece of advice to improve, what would it be?
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