Residential Food Waste Collection Research
We are doing research about starting a food waste collection business for residential and small businesses.

The structure of this service is simple.

  • Receive a bucket/welcome packet.
  • Put out the bucket weekly for pickup of food waste, including: Fruit, beans, bones, bread, coffee grounds, coffee filters, eggs, dairy, fish, grains, meat, paper cups, paper napkins, paper towels, tea bags, and vegetables.
  • After we pick up your bucket and drop off a clean one, your food waste goes to a composting site. This keeps it out of the trash, landfills and, in the case of fats/oils, your drain.
This saves your food waste from having to go into the trash and helps it turn into something useful and better for the environment.

Since this business idea is in the very beginning stages, we welcome feedback or ideas.

Below are several questions to help inform us if a residential food waste collection program is of interest to the CNY area.

If you have any questions, please email
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First & Last Name
Zip Code for where in CNY you are located
Do you have have a home compost pile?
If yes to above, do you compost non-plant based food waste? (Dairy, meats, fats)
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Do you already take food waste to OCRRA (compost site) or pay for a food waste service?
How much Per Month, would you be willing to pay for a weekly food waste pickup? (5 Gal. avg. per week)
Would you be more likely to enroll in this program if you were to receive compost in return?
On a scale of 1-5 how likely would you be willing to try a program like this?
I'm not interested at this time.
Very interested. Sign me up!
Please enter your email below if you are interested in joining a trial program. (We will not share your info or spam you)
Comments, Thoughts or Wise Words
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