1 King 6
Chapter 6 includes very important information. It may initially appear overwhelming but it is possible to master it. Please watch the videos below before you answer the questions. The third video will teach you what the items in Solomon's temple symbolically represented. You will learn a lot about the plan of salvation.
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Solomon's temple animation. (Based on Chapter 6 and 7)
The symbolic representations explained.
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1. And it came to pass in the ___________ year after the children of Israel had come out of the land of Egypt, in the _______ year of Solomon’s reign over Israel, in the month of _________, which is the second month, that he began to build the house of the Lord. (V. 1)
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2. Now the house which King Solomon built for the Lord, its length was _______ cubits, its width _______, and its height _________ cubits. (V. 2)
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3. The vestibule in front of the sanctuary of the house was ________ cubits long across the width of the house, and the width of the vestibule extended _____ cubits from the front of the house. (V. 3)
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4. What kind of frames did Solomon make for the house windows?
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5. "Against the wall of the temple he built chambers all around, against the walls of the temple, all around the sanctuary and the inner sanctuary. Thus he made side chambers all around it. The lowest chamber was ____ cubits wide, the middle was _____ cubits wide, and the third was ______ cubits wide; (V. 5, 6)
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6. "...for he made narrow _______ around the outside of the temple, so that the support beams would not be __________ into the walls of the temple." (V. 6)
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7. "And the temple, when it was being built, was built with stone finished at the quarry, so that no ____________or any iron tool was heard in the temple while it was being built." (V. 7)
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8. On which side of the temple was the doorway for the middle story?  (V. 8)
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9. How did they go up to the middle story and from the middle to the third? (V. 8)
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10. "So he built the temple and finished it, and he paneled the temple with ________(V. 9)
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 11. Then the word of the Lord came to Solomon, saying: “Concerning this temple which you are building, if you walk in My ___________, execute My_________, keep all My ___________, and walk in them, then I will perform My word with you, which I spoke to your father David." (V. 12)
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12. "And I will dwell among the children of Israel, and will not _______ My people Israel.” (V. 13)
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13. With what did Solomon build the inside walls of the temple? (V. 15)  
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14. With what did Solomon panel the inside from the floor of the temple to the ceiling? (V. 15)
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15. And with what did Solomon cover the floor of the temple? (V. 15)
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16. "Then he built the ________-cubit room at the rear of the temple, from floor to ceiling, with __________; he built it inside as the inner sanctuary, as the ___________." (V. 16)
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17. What was the length of the temple sanctuary in front of the Most Holy Place? (V. 17)
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18. The inside of the temple was cedar, carved with ___________________. All was cedar; there was no ________ to be seen. (V. 18)
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19. Which part of the sanctuary was prepared to set the ark of the covenant of the Lord ? (V. 19)
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20. "The inner sanctuary was ______ cubits long, ______cubits wide, and _______ cubits high." (V. 20)
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22. With what did Solomon overlay the the inner sanctuary? (V. 20)
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23. "Solomon stretched _____________ across the front of the inner sanctuary, and overlaid it with gold." (V. 21)
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24.  "Inside the inner sanctuary he made two cherubim of __________, each _______ cubits high." (V. 23)
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25. "One wing of the cherub was _______ cubits, and the other wing of the cherub ______ cubits: _____cubits from the tip of one wing to the tip of the other." (V. 24)
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26. The wings of the cherubim touched the walls but they didn't touch each other. (V. 27)
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27. Solomon carved the walls of the temple all around with the figures of all of the following except one. (V. 29)
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28. Of what were the doors of the entrance of the inner sanctuary (the most holy) were made? (V. 31)
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29. And "for the door of the sanctuary [main entrance] he also made doorposts of ________, one-fourth of the wall. And the two doors were of __________." (V. 33 & 34)
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30. What kind of door did the main entrance of sanctuary have? (V. 34)
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 31. Figures of cherubim, palm trees, and open flowers were carved on __________
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32. "And he built the inner court with three rows of ________ and a row of ___________." (V. 36)
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33. When was the house was finished in all its details and according to all its plans? (V. 37 & 38)
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34. How many years did it take to finish building the house of the Lord?
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