Farmington Public Library Readers Advisory
Fill out the questions below to get personalized book recommendations from the FPL librarians!
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Name: *
Email Address: *
Please use the email address you would like recommendations emailed to.
Library Card Number:
What format are you looking for? *
Check all that apply.
Fiction or Nonfiction?
Check all that apply.
Approximately how many items would you like recommended? *
Does the length of the book matter to you? If so, how long of a book are you interested in?
Would you prefer us to recommend only books in our collection, or would you also like recommendations for books we can try and get through interlibrary loan? *
Tell us a little bit about what types of genres you like, and why you like them.
What are some of your favorite books and authors? Why do you like these books and authors?
What do you not like? Is there something you would like to avoid (such as obscene language, violence, mature content, ect.)?
What type of book are you in the mood for right now?
Is there anything else we should know to help us find you the right book?
Thanks for filling out this survey! You should get an email within a week (likely shorter) with a list of books we recommend based on your interests. If you don't hear from us after a week has passed, check your spam folder. If you can't find anything, give us a call at 207-778-4312!
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Acest conținut nu este nici creat, nici aprobat de Google. Raportează un abuz - Condiții de utilizare - Politica de confidențialitate