Test Your Boundaries Quiz

In a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being not at all true and 5 being extremely true) rate the following: 

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You’re always the one who people call when they’re going through a rough time because they know you’ll be there for them.

not at all true
extremely true

You are unwilling or afraid to say no to others when they do call with a request and feel guilty or anxious if you do say no.

not at all true
extremely true

Your relationships tend to be one sided and you consistently put more time and effort into your relationships than you get in return.

not at all true
extremely true

Your to-do list gets longer and longer and tends to get filled up by other people’s requests and needs.

not at all true
extremely true

You frequently take the “high road” and don’t tell others if they’ve upset you or said something you didn’t feel was appropriate.

not at all true
extremely true

You hate making decisions and end up always “going with the flow”.

not at all true
extremely true

You resent people who have an easier time saying no to requests and may even see them as selfish and not a “team player”.

not at all true
extremely true

You experience sudden bursts of emotion such as anger, sadness or overwhelm.

not at all true
extremely true

You feel like you’ll let other people down if you’re not there for them when they need you.

not at all true
extremely true

You are willing to re-arrange your own plans for friends and family members if they ask you for help.

not at all true
extremely true
Quiz Results
11 and under: sounds like you have great boundaries in place. You may have moments where you’re willing to move your boundaries but usually it’s not out of obligation as much as it is an intentional choice on your part. Keep up the great work!

12-29: You don’t have a complete lack of boundaries but chances are you’re not always enforcing them. And your big heart probably gets you stuck in obligations that you would rather have said no to. Your goal is to clearly define your boundaries, know what’s non-negotiable and be sure to enforce your boundaries if people are crossing them (or even trying to put one foot over them!)

30 and above: If your score is 35 or higher, chances are you’re running yourself ragged trying to keep everyone around you happy and setting yourself up for burnout. You likely have little to no time for yourself or the things you actually want to do. Any boundaries you have in place are either constantly being crossed or so weak that others aren’t aware of them. Setting strong boundaries may feel a little intimidating to you and fill you with apprehension or guilt- but it exactly what you need to reclaim your time and yourself.
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