VIP List Sign-Up
Thank you for seeking to register your group, organisation, or department with the CHCP to show your support for patient care. In a few quick steps we'll get you on the register!
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Full name of person submitting to the VIP list *
Name of group or organisation as you wish it to appear on the VIP register *
I represent a.... *
Where are you located? *
Does your group or organisation have a website or contact number that you are happy to have displayed on the register? *
Please add a short description of your service. (Optional: you may also add why you wanted to join the register.) This may be displayed with your name on the VIP List.
Would you like to receive printed copies of the Chronic Health & Care Passport to distribute amongst the patients you represent? *
If you answered yes, please supply an email address so that we can get in touch if funds permit another batch.
If you like the CHCP, would you be willing to write a brief testimonial for our website?
Any other comments or questions?
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