Application for Scholarship to Ukrainian College Students in Tokyo by Tokyo Yoneyama Yuai Rotary Club
Please fill in below column to apply for the scholarship. Tokyo Yoneyama Yuai Rotary Club will host the interview with select applicants based on the application, and will award the recipients. 
E-Mail *
Name/名前 *
Email address/メールアドレス *
Phone Number/電話番号 *
Address/住所 *
Why do you decide to apply for this scholarship?(upto 300 words)/志願動機 *
Can you confirm if you meet below requirements for this scholarship?/下記必要要件を満たしているか?

·Applicants do not need to speak fluent Japanese, but English communication is must.

·Providing the insight of Ukraine to our club members and to speak at different Rotary Club if the schedule fits.

·Coming to attend one of our club meetings at least once a month to receive the scholarship and to stay connected with the club

·Prefer if the scholar can participate some of our club’s voluntary activities to get more involved with the local community in Tokyo.

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