A Beginner's Guide to the Night Sky - childcare sign up
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  • The performance runs 1 hour with no intermission
  • The performance takes place outdoors at the Ferry Terminal Park south of the Alderney Landing Ferry Terminal, and our childcare space is in the ferry terminal building on the second floor in the Eastern Front Theatre board room (right outside of Alderney Landing Theatre). You may leave the performance to visit your child at any time, and you may visit your child during intermission.
  • INDOOR PERFORMANCES: Both of our Sunday shows take place inside the Alderney Rotunda.
  • Our caregiver is experienced babysitter Hope MacPherson. If there are more than 6 children requiring care per show we will be adding additional caregivers to the team.
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What is your name?
What is the best way to contact you?
Which performance would you like childcare for? 
What is the child's name? (or names, if multiple children)
What are the child's/children's pronouns? 
What is the child's/children's age?
Are there any allergies or medical concerns we should be aware of? 
Does the child have any accessibility requirements we should be aware of? 
Are there any activities that the child or children particularly like or dislikes? 
Is there anything else you would like us to know? 
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