Artist Profile
*Please be advised that CAN cannot publish all submissions due to time constraints. We have provided the following short questionnaire for a potential artist blog entry on We hope you understand if your submission does not get published and thank you for your time.
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Email *
Name or alias (e.g. 'Boople') *
Social media links and website profiles etc (i.e. how to find you on Twitter, Instagram, Linktree etc.) *
What is your background as an artist in general? *
What is your overall process in generating art? *
How would you describe your art in your own words? *
Favourite artists / influences?
What are your plans for the future? (You can use this to promote either an existing or upcoming collection) *
Anything else you'd like to communicate to our readers? *
Please provide up to 3 specific examples that you would like to feature in a Google Drive folder making sure that you send a link with access for everyone (like below so we can access it :) If they are available to purchase online, include a .txt document with the relevant links. *
Captionless Image
I agree to CAN publishing my profile and artwork if selected. *
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