Singing Club
Year 1& 2 Singing Club will take place on a Tuesday between 3.15pm and 4.00pm in Dragonfly's classroom. Children will be dismissed from the main gate at 4.00pm or go to the Hub. The club will start on the 20th of September up until 29th November.

If your child would like to attend the club, please complete the below Google Form by 12pm on Friday the 16th of September. If the club is oversubscribed, names will be placed in a hat. You will be informed whether or not your child has a place on Friday.  

Many thanks,
Miss Woolfenden
Google에 로그인하여 진행상황을 저장하세요. 자세히 알아보기
이메일 *
Child's Surname *
Child's First Name *
Class *
My son/daughter is interested in joining Singing Club between 3:20pm and 4pm. *
답장 사본을 내가 제공한 주소로 전송합니다.
양식 지우기
Google Forms를 통해 비밀번호를 제출하지 마세요.
이 설문지는 Riviera Education Trust 내부에서 생성되었습니다. 악용사례 신고