Programming Suggestions for NERFA 2024!

The NERFA conference will take place at the Inn by the Bay in Portland, ME on November 20-24, 2024. If you have any suggestions for our panels, workshops, and peer groups, please let us know. All aspects of pursuing and advancing a career in Folk/Roots/Americana music are welcome! The content can be industry-related, cultural, historical (some would say evolutionary) and more!

  • We are looking for passionate speakers and moderators!

  • Perspectives that are unique and detailed. Your vision is important to our balanced representation!

  • Panelists should come from a variety of backgrounds.

  • Find more space at our table by reaching outside your immediate network!

  • Please invite your colleagues and music enthusiasts to share their experiences.

During the conference, there will be three types of programming: traditional panels, peer groups, and workshops. We are also accepting submissions for pre-recorded content for panels!

Panels consist of a round table of experts examining and sharing their experiences on a particular topic.  Workshops are in depth interactive learning opportunities where participants actively engage in an instructor led learning process. Peer Groups are opportunities to meet with others and explore your experiences in a particular topic. 

A 60-minute time slot will be allocated for each panel. The panel rooms will be equipped with a stage, chairs, panel microphones, a Q&A microphone, and sound systems. Although we accept pre-recorded content submissions, we are not able to support at-distance panelists via Zoom, Teams, or any other digital call-in platform.

We are looking for workshop opportunities; in-depth educational sessions for industry professionals and those who are interested in joining. Workshops will last approximately 90 minutes and have the same equipment as panel sessions. The attendees will be seated at tables so that learning and collaboration can take place. Please indicate in the "Tech Notes" if you are submitting a workshop. There will be no pre-recorded options for peer group or workshops.

Please feel free to contact us at if you have any questions.

Please accept our sincere thanks for your interest in NERFA this year!

Submissions will not be accepted after July 1, 2024!

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