2021-2022 Tsai CITY Intensives
What is your name? *
What is your email address? *
Do you live in the New Haven area? *
What is your current occupation? *
Demographic Data
Here at the Tsai CITY, our mission is to inspire and support students from diverse backgrounds and disciplines to seek innovative ways to address real-world problems. We are asking for demographic information to ensure that we are creating opportunities for and supporting students from all backgrounds and experiences. Please note that these questions are optional.

What is your gender?
What racial and/or ethnic group(s) do you identify with?
Please feel free to use the "Other" space to describe the racial and/or ethnic group(s) you identify with however you choose.
What are identities that you hold that are important to you?
Examples include but are not limited to: gender, race, ethnicity, political affiliation, generation, education level, ability, cultural identity, occupation, sexuality, family structure, housing status, mental health (health status/ ability), incarceration status, institution affiliation, primary language, religion, immigration status, medical history, first-gen, income/ socio-economic class, quality of education, occupation, and/or parent’s education.
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