Application form for the CLIL Summer Seminar at the University of Vienna from 13th to 19th September, 2023
The seminar is held at the University of Vienna, Austria.  Capacity: 30 participants (on a first-come basis).
When we receive your form, we will give you the details soon.
登録後、連絡先メールに詳しい案内を送信します。CLIL-ite 事務局
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Participant application form 参加申込書
Do you participate in this seminar? 参加しますか?
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Could you let us know about our name, email address, and your background including your affiliations, please?  名前とメールと所属先など自己紹介をお願いします。
Are you a J-CLIL member? J-CLILの会員ですか?
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If you have any questions about this program, please ask us. 何か質問がある場合はここに書いてください。
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