Writing Programs Membership
HSSA provides two different writing programs for members and friends of HSSA:  

1) Writing Club (co-writing and accountability group);  
2) Scholar's Forum (presentation and feedback on works-in-progress).

Please fill out the following form to join one or both programs (more info below).
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Full Name *
The WRITING CLUB meets weekly (Mondays at 9:30am this semester) to provide emotional and practical support through the process of writing. In addition to sharing updates and tips about writing goals, members co-write together for an hour. Membership is open to all VSPA affiliates; regular attendance is expected in order to foster accountability. It works! Would you like to become a member of the Writing CLUB? *
The SCHOLAR'S FORUM is the name of HSSA's writing workshop, and it meets every two weeks to provide a safe and supporting community to exchange feedback and advice on academic writing. One member shares a rough draft of an essay-in-progress in advance, and members share their honest and constructive responses, recommendations and tips. A great opportunity to chisel one's work and reflect on writing as a process. Would you like to be added to the SCHOLAR'S FORUM? *
Do you expect to have an essay draft (minimum 3000 words, maximum 7000) you would like to present at a Scholar's Forum meeting this semester?
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If you answered 'yes' above, please let us know when is the earliest and latest you can present. Because time slots can fill up quickly, we usually recommend planning 2-3 months in advance.
UC Berkeley Email Address (only if different from above)
Alternative Email Address
Discipline/Field *
Home Department, Institution/Organization, Research Unit, etc. (visitors only) *
UC Berkeley Affiliation Title & Department/Center *
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