Student Photography Consent Form
Saint Adalbert Catholic Academy would like to take photographs/make a video recording of your child for promotional purposes. These images may appear on printed publications in the media on video/or on our website, or all four functions.
Your permission is needed before any photographs are taken of your child. Please answer the questions below and then sign and date this form.
Conditions of Use
1) The parent consent is valid until August 31 of the current school year. The consent will automatically expire at this time.
2) We will not reuse images after this time.
3) We will not include details or full names of any child or adult in any image of video, on our website, or on printed publications.
4) We may use group or class images with general labels, such as "Creating a Science Experiment" or "Making Christmas Decorations"
By completing this GoogleForm, you are confirming you have read and understand the conditions of use.