Mindset to Manifest Book Anthology 
This form is for those who are interested in being notified of our upcoming Anthology Projects. Our Anthology Projects are specific to Christian Creatives, Entrepreneurs, Community Leaders, Program Directors, Career Professionals, Ministry Leaders, Speakers,  Consultants, Coaches, Influencers, and anyone with story they believe will create impact. If you have a desire to speak about the manifested blessings in your life through a shifting in your mindset and spiritual walk with Christ, this project may be a good fit. We will have projects specific to females and projects specific to males. Please fill out this form to give us an idea of your story!

Topics will include Business, Career, Success, Family, Faith, Marriage, Ministry, Spirituality. There is an investment is $997 in order to be apart of this project. Your investment includes:

1 Chapter contribution at 2000 - 2500 words
Developmental Story Editing
Grammatical Editing
Book Cover Graphics
Publishing Kindle & Paperback copy
Promotional Graphics
Interview/Podcast Opportunities to broaden your visibility
Bi-weekly Catch-up Sessions with the organizer
**Video Masterclass that teaches the strategy to get Best-Seller for your future books**

Our Next Project will be for Professional Hair and Makeup Artists. We want to hear your story. How you broke into the industry. The trials and tribulations. Best Practices and how to break into the industry. Our audience will be High School and College Students. We want them to know that a creative career in the hair and makeup industry is possible. Readers will be pursuing the TV, Film, Photography & Theater industries. If you are a hair and makeup artist with experience in media we want to here your story. 

If you were an artist prior to 2020 even better. I remember the struggle of having to shut my business down for a month. How did you fair during the pandemic? 
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Who referred you to the anthology book project? *
Name *
Email and Telephone Number *
Which answer best describes your title *
Please Provide a Brief Biography *
Tell us a little bit about the story that you desire to write *
Have you ever written for an anthology project? *
Tell me about your relationship with Jesus *
Can we follow up with you through email when we launch the next anthology project that we feel may fit your story *
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