2025-26 Parent Involvement Form
We request that all parents of the 2025-26 Eagle Regiment fill out the Parent Involvement Form. If you would like to self-nominate for a MEPA Board or Sub Committee position, please use this from.

If you would like to read more about the roles and responsibilities of any of our Board Positions or Sub Committee Chair positions, please see the descriptions here

If you have any questions please reach out to Kasie Campbell mepapresident@eagleregiment.com 
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First Name *
Last Name *
Email Address *
Cell Phone  *
Eagle Regiment Member(s) Name *
Are in interested in getting involved as a helper in any of the following areas? *
Do you have any special talents or work experience that you would be willing to lend to the Eagle Regiment for the 2025-26 season? 

Please choose all talents that apply to you or add your own.
Are you interested in volunteering for shifts at the Amerant Bank Arena? *
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