Neverdrift Momentum Membership: Application for 1-1 Coaching 
Do you feel stuck, stagnant, and frustrated with where you are in life? Want to lead a more intentional life but struggle to sustain your habits?

Most of us seek progress, but lack the systems, clarity, and accountability to make it happen.

With this membership, you gain access to private coaching that is focused on progressing you towards your goals and the life you want to lead through weekly/monthly programs and regular check-ins. Specially designed to empower growth-minded individuals who are seeking a boost to re-energize their lives.

The consult will help us gain a better understanding of each other and whether the program will be suitable for you at this current time. 

If you have any questions prior to the consult, you can also reach me on Telegram via @chasingnat or email via
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Name *

Age *
Have you been coached before? *
Please share more on why you think this coaching program can help you. 
Preferred timings (Select all that apply) *
Share your Linkedin profile URL *
Any other comments to share?
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