Lightworks - community storytelling form
Yu-Wen Wu is creating a work that celebrates the history and future of the Chinatown neighborhood and community through light. Please share your stories to contribute to her artwork.

The Lightworks project will be installed in Chin Park on The Greenway in August, 2020. As an act of placemaking and placekeeping, the artwork will represent and honor Chinatown's rich cultural history and cross-generational residents, neighbors and friends.

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Where are you from? 您來自哪里?
Where else are you from? 您還來自其他什麽地方?
Do you have an immigration story to share? 您有想要分享的移民故事嗎?
What is memorable or important in this year for you? 今年有什麽事情對您來說是值得紀念的或重要的?
What is light to you? 對你來說什麼是光?
Please share a poem, a saying, a song that is memorable to you. 請分享一首令您難忘的詩,一句話或一首歌。
What do you hope, wish and/or dream for? (for yourself, your family, this community, Chinatown, the country and/or the world?) 您有什麼希望、願景和/或夢想?(為自己、家人、這個社區、華埠、這個國家和/或整個世界?)
In what way does Chinatown interest you? It’s history, community, culture, etc. 華埠在哪些地方引起了您的興趣? 如它的歷史、社區、文化等。
What does Chinatown mean to you? 華埠對您來説意味著什麽?
How do you spend your time in Chinatown? Do you:  您如何在華埠度過您的時光?您           *
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