Foundership - Founders & Leaders Network - Slack Onboarding form
By the Founders & Leaders - For the Startups. This is a Slack Community.

Foundership is a long voyage for a founder on which he/she must set sail in order to discover the promised land or the land of opportunities.

It is not uncommon for Captains of seafaring ships to encounter the unexpected in rough seas, where the unknowns can be mysterious sea monsters, pirates, rough weather etc.

Foundership is built on the basic principle that once the Captain of the ship is out in the sea, he/she needs Navigational Support to make it to the promised land.

Each lighthouse they see on their journey lets them know where they are, as well as what to do next. Our Network of Founders & Leaders are like the Lighthouses, which come across the Captain at different times during their journey to help them navigate rough/smooth waters.

You can apply to be part of the Foundership community if you are a founder or ex-founder or a leader. This is a Slack group where we do business and help businesses.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Name *
Company Name *
Mobile # *
Current Title/Role *
Linkedin Profile *
Twitter Profile *
Founder Status *
What interest areas (skills/expertise) can you contribute most? *
Why do you want to join? *
Referred by? *
Are you open to volunteer for the community?
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