Terminus Prime

Once renowned for your legendary deeds, you and your party are now forgotten. The darkness of time has erased your fame, and the city has cast you down. You’ve entered Terminus Prime—the last city on Earth—now nothing more than refugees among the commoners, expected to serve the city like all others.

Your once-great abilities are now just a means to an end in a place where productivity rules, and your past glory is a distant memory. But beneath the city’s glistening surface, secrets and corruption simmer. Can you find a way to reclaim what you lost—or are you just another cog in the city’s endless machine?

Seeking players willing to explore a world of mystery, struggle, and forgotten legacies. Will you fight to survive, or be consumed by the city.

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Name: (What shall I call you?)




Pronouns: (How would you like me to address you?)


Time Zone: (Where do you call home? Time zone helps with scheduling.)


Experience Level:


Do you have experience using Foundry Virtual Tabletop (FoundryVTT)?


Preferred Playstyle:


Character Preferences: (Do you have a specific class or race in mind for your character? Feel free to give a quick description!)


Do you enjoy moral ambiguity or prefer clear-cut heroes vs. villains?

If a major choice came down to profit or rebellion, which side would your character lean toward? *
What would your character do if they encountered a changeling who could shift their appearance at will?
What’s the last game or campaign you played in? How did it go?
(Tell me a bit about your experience!)  
What is your discord? (make sure i can add you as a friend) *
Do you have an established group that you play with regularly?
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If YES, please provide a brief introduction to your group:
(Feel free to share any details about your group's dynamic, playstyle, or any other important info. Established friend groups will be considered with preference as they often make party synergy easier.)  
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