Let's design a dedicated writing space 📝 
We're interested in hearing your thoughts and ideas about what your ideal writing practice and environment looks like. Our goal is to foster an inviting space where we can hold each other accountable to our writing praxis. 
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Tell us a little bit about yourself. *
What are a few things you'd share about yourself to a new friend?
What neighborhood/city do you live in? *
How long have you been writing? What are your current writing goals?
What writing groups or organizations are you actively a part of? Can you share a bit about your experience with those organizations / groups / communities? *
Think about the last writing class you took or the last writing group you joined. What structures were in place that allowed you to successfully write or form a regular writing practice?
What do you seek help with most when thinking about your writing practice? *
This could be anything from feedback to a physical space to write, etc.
How would you like to meet?
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What makes writing fun and worthwhile for you?  👀 *
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