Paideia Vol. 11 Prospective Staff Questionnaire 
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Cal Poly Email *
Year *
Phone Number *
Available positions
Submissions Coordinator: Point of Contact for Authors and Article submissions, handles logistics of receiving/downloading/uploading articles, manages the Paideia Organization's OneDrive network, tracks & upkeeps deadlines, and more.

Contributing Editor: Undertakes Paideia's anonymous Peer Review process to rank, score, and select submissions for publication. Most importantly, edits accepted articles to the Paideia standard of excellence.
Marketing and Outreach: Point of Contact for campus networking. Distributes the advertising and networking materials for the journal among student mailing lists, professors, publishing houses. Produces marketing copy (the written portions of advertising materials), and ensures campus is aware of deadlines and submission opportunities.

Alumni Ambassador: Writer who highlights accomplished pols alumni, outstanding pols students, and on-campus POLS clubs/groups achievements and student professional/personal growth within clubs.

Marketing Director: Responsible for all outreach and promotional aspects of the journal including writing blurbs for pols newsletter and reaching out to pols professors and students to boost submissions to the journal.
What positions are you interested in?
Please briefly introduce yourself in 1-3 sentences. Please list any skills, accomplishments, experiences, interests, or personal strengths that you can contribute to Paideia.
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