Teen Performance Company Application
Round House Theatre
Teen Performance Program 2025 - 2026
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Today's Date *
I am applying for (check all that apply) *
Name *
Date of Birth *
Grade in fall of 2025 *
School *
Mailing Address (street, city, state, zip) *
Home Phone
Cell Phone *
E-Mail *
Parent/Guardian Name *
Parent/Guardian Cell Phone *
Parent/Guardian E-mail *
Please list your previous theatre experience *
Please answer 3 questions based upon a play of your choice.
If you need assistance choosing an application play, RHT Education can supply some suggested plays, as well as copies of those plays. Please email: TPC@RoundHouseTheatre.org. (Note that this is not the play the Teen Performance Company will perform in 2024/2025 but will be used to evaluate you in the first round of applications/interviews.)    

Director Applicants
Please answer questions 1, 2, and either 3 or 6.
Designer Applicants
Please answer questions 2, 4, and either 1, 3, or 6.
Stage Manager, Assistant Stage Manager and Crew Applicants
Please answer questions 2, 5, and either 1, 3 or 6.
Dramaturg/Assistant DIrector Applicants
Please answer questions 1, 3, and either 2 or 6.
Title of Play used for your essay questions: *
Question 1: What appeals to you about this particular play? (You may want to consider the plot, themes, language, style, characters and/or the production elements)
Question 2: What qualities should a good director/designer/stage manager/assistant stage manager/crew member/dramaturg possess? (Please answer based on the position you are applying for)
Question 3: What is the message of this play?  What about the play will resonate with a contemporary American audience?
Question 4: What imagery, colors, or sounds/songs come to mind when you think about the play? Feel free to include examples or visuals to illustrate your answer.
Question 5: What are the responsibilities of the stage manager and how do they contribute to the larger production process?
Question 6: What challenges does a production of this play pose?
How did you hear about the Teen Performance Company *
Is there anyone you would like to suggest as part of the show's artistic/production team? Please include their name, school, phone, and e-mail
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