February Monthly Educator Night:  The Amazing Telescope
Wednesday, February 12, 2020, 4-6 pm

Join us for a series of telescope-themed activities at the Planetarium! We will begin with an all-new immersive experience, as our new projector fills the entire dome with a video presentation titled, “Two Small Pieces of Glass: The Amazing Telescope.” Our journey then becomes interactive as we invite attendees to help us steer through the sky using the World Wide Telescope computer program – in “fulldome” mode! We will then move into a classroom space to explore two hands-on activities – one where we take on the role of Galileo to see what he saw through his telescope 400 years ago, and another to examine the spectrum of light and how more modern telescopes can help us “see the invisible.”

All of the evening’s activities can be scaled to a variety of ages, so we invite teachers of all grade levels to come and see how these complex concepts can be explored in fun and interactive ways, both here at our Planetarium and in the classroom, too!
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