OCR Champions Program Intake Form

Hey OCR Champions!

Congratulations again on enrolling in the 3-month OCR Champions Program!

I've been racing for over 7 years and Obstacle Course Racing (OCR) is a passion of mine and I love helping people prepare for and run these types of races.  I'm a life-long learner and always looking for ways to improve and better myself.

I'd love to learn ways in which I can help improve this program.  Please take a few minutes and share your thoughts below on what worked, what didn't, what could be improved, and anything else you'd like me to know.

Remember, your voice matters and your support means a lot to me in this program.  

Thank you again for your time and help and I look forward to continuing to help you on your obstacle course racing journey.  

To Your Success,
- Nate Brugnara

Founder & Owner of Nate Brugnara Fitness
Personal Trainer, Group Instructor, & Fitness Consultant



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[#1] Overall, I am this excited for this training... (1 = "not very excited", 5 = "extremely excited") *
Not Very Excited
Extremely Excited
[#2] If my best friend asked me why I enrolled, I might say. . . *
[#3] If I could create an OCR training program just for me, I would like it to be called _____ and it would help me _____ *
[#4] At the end of this training, the one specific and tangible outcome I hope to achieve is ______. *
[#5] If I could have a private conversation with my coach, my #1 biggest question about OCR would be ____ *
[#6] My biggest life problem or frustration right now that I'm hoping to solve is . . .(note: no problem at all if you don't want to share; I realize this can be a personal question). *
[#7] On a scale of 1 to 5, I am this committed to completing the OCR Ready Program and taking action. . . (1 = "not committed", 5 = I'm ready for amazing results!" *
Not Committed
I'm Ready For Amazing Results!
[#8] I'm committed to getting you amazing results and helping you through this OCR journey.  I'd love to continue to help as many people as possible take up the sport of OCR.  Who are 3 people, regardless of location, who you think would be a perfect fit for this type of training?  Drop their names and emails below and I will send you a special bonus for every person who signs up for a program! *
[#9] What are your top 1-3 struggles when it comes to Obstacle Course Racing (OCR?) *
[#10] What are your top 1-3 health & wellness goals? *
[#11] Is there anything else you want me to know? Anything else you'd like to share? *
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