Athletics Feedback - 2023/2024
Please take a moment to provide feedback on this year's athletic experiences. The form is only for one sport at a time for sorting purposes, so if you wish to leave feedback for multiple sports or multiple students, please fill out a separate form for each. Responses can be anonymous if desired, or you can provide personally identifiable information. The open-ended questions are optional. 
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Choose a Sport or Activity *
Grade Level of Competition *
I am a __________________.  *
Overall, the coach was ______________.  *
Not Good
Please take a moment to write a few sentences to support your previous response. 
Overall, the season was ______________.  *
Please take a moment to write a few sentences to support your previous response. 
How do you define "success" for this program?
What improvements would you consider for future seasons?
What is this program already doing very well that you'd like to see continue in future seasons?
OPTIONAL - Name of person completing this form should the AD like to follow up on specific feedback to improve the program. 
OPTIONAL - contact info
Would you like to meet with the Athletic/Activities Director?
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Formulir ini dibuat dalam Thomas Metcalf Laboratory School. Laporkan Penyalahgunaan