MOVIE NIGHT! JULY 10th - Do the Right Thing!
On a hot summer night in 2023, Monday July 10th, 6-9 pm (eastern), let's remember another hot summer night in years gone by! The return of WRJI Movie Night starts with an old favorite we haven't shown since 2020.

Whether you've seen it before or it is new to you, join us to zoom-watch this classic and lesson-rich film and for the hour of stimulating and brave conversation that follows! (Only Name, Zip Code and Class Year are required for registration.)

Facilitated by Tyree Oredein, DrPH, '98 - our Vice-President and Co-Lead for Programs

WRJI, Inc., is an independent movement of Wellesley Alums who actively promote racial justice in our national culture and practice, as well as the wider community, in an attempt to advance equity and inclusion, and to eliminate systemic, institutional and internalized racism. Check us out at
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Spike Lees's Do the Right Thing! on July 10th 6-9 pm (eastern)
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