Canon-McMillan School District's District-Wide 24-25 Photo Opt-Out Form 
Photographs/videotape footage of Canon-McMillan students involved in school-related activities are often used in district publications, social media, newspapers, yearbooks, television, websites, various communication platforms, newsletters, etc.

If, for any reason you do NOT want photographs or videotapes of your child used in this manner, please complete the form.
Email *
Student Last Name *
Student First Name *
Student Grade Level for 2024-2025 School Year *
Building *
Teacher/Homeroom Teacher Name
Please mark the box below if you DO NOT want your child photographed or videotaped for school related activities. *
Parent/Guardian Name
Thank you.  Your request has been received.
If you do not return this form within one week, it will be assumed that it is okay for your child to be photographed and/or videotaped for school related activities.  

If you would like to opt out in the future, please notify your building principal and resubmit this form.
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