My Story... Gaming
Good day gamers,
Tell us a story about a memory you have about this game or anything else you feel comfortable telling us.
We will not use your name or contact information for any post in the future, but we would like to use your responses.
Thank you so much and see you soon!
- Game Master Dave
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What game did you want to talk about? *
Approximately how many times have you played this game?
How would you rate this game overall?  1 = do not even look at the box to 10 =  that you think a future edition should be made in gold.
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Tell us something about how you feel about this game?
Tell us a story about your experience with the game?
Tell us your opinion of the game?
Or tell us anything else you want to.
By filling this out, you give consent for us to use your answers for research or future posts.
We will not give out your personal information.
Thank you so much for filling out this survey.
- Game Master Dave
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