HAWNY Data Request Form
Please fill out the form below to request data from the Homeless Alliance of WNY.

Please Note: Data collection and use of all personal information is guided by strict standards of confidentiality and in compliance with applicable federal and state law. Therefore HAWNY will only release data in aggregate form. Any additional uses and disclosure of information may be permitted as required by law or law enforcement, to avert a healthy or safety threat, for creating de-personalized client identification for unduplicated counting, or research purposes.

Any data requested is at the discretion of HAWNY and filling out this form is not a guarantee that data will be released.  Fees may be applicable.

Name of Organization and Individual Requesting
Please fill out the information below
Full Name *
Title *
Organization Name (please include branch, division, department, etc..) *
Address *
City *
State *
Zip Code *
Email *
Phone Number
Contact Preference *
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