Recognizing & Reporting Abnormal Observations
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Every abnormal observation should be reported to the nurse right away *
1 point
Objective observations can be seen, heard, smelled, felt or measured *
1 point
Abnormal vital signs are considered "urgent" and should be reported immediately.  *
1 point
A non-verbal client cannot express feelings of pain *
1 point
If your client reports more frequent and painful urination, you should *
1 point
A stage 1 pressure sore will have a thcik black scab *
1 point
Your client may become confused about the date but, under normal cicumstances, should know where and who he is *
1 point
A normal pulse range is between 40 and 80 beats per minute *
1 point
Constipation is defined as going longer than three days without a BM *
1 point
After giving a verbal report, you must document, if required, the date and time of the observation in addition to the ___ & ____ of the person to whom you reported *
1 point
I understand the information presented in this in-service. I have completed this in-service and answered at least eight of the test questions correctly. By typing my name I agree with the previous statements. *
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