[TEMPORARILY FULL] Senior Thesis (BTD) Study at Notre Dame
Please note that we are currently working on scheduling participants. The study may be full, but we will be sure to contact you if a spot fills up : ) Thank you so much for your interest!

Study information:

If you have a child in 4th or 5th grade, they are eligible to participate in one of our senior thesis studies examining how children learn math! This would involve coming to our CLAD Lab on the 5th floor of Corbett Family Hall at Notre Dame Stadium to complete some math problems with a CLAD Lab team member. All children will receive a math lesson as part of the study. The study includes one math session that takes about 45-60 minutes. 

We will reach out with session and location details after you sign up for a date! 

If you would like to join our newsletter list to be updated on our research & ongoing studies, please email clad@nd.edu with the subject: Newsletter. 
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Please provide your email
Parent/Guardian First Name
Child's First Name
Child's Grade Level
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Child's Race or Ethnicity (Note: For demographic purposes. We have found it easier to ask this question to parents than to kids)
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If you have more than one child who is interested in participating, please put their name and grade level here. (Please also indicate child's race/ethnicity)
Sign-Up Information
Please sign up via our google calendar: https://tinyurl.com/BTD-Signup! Sessions are one-on-one, so please sign up for multiple sessions if you if you have multiple children. You will receive directions and session details after you sign up for an appointment slot. 

The study is one session that is designed to take about 60 minutes, during which participants will work with a research assistant to solve a series of math problems. Participating families will receive $25 for their time.

Notes: Anything else you would like to share? (e.g. different emails)
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